Women Artists’ Art Week Festival
WAAW will host a full day programme of events and talks by leading artists and curators at art’otel London Hoxton. Our ambition is to bring together some of London’s most inspiring cultural figures. Highlights will include performances by Sarabande Alumni Artists. They will continue exploring the topics of femininity in the arts during the launch
edition of WAAW Talks and the programme will finish with spoken word, art and music.
RSVP at [email protected]
Exhibition - 500 Opportunities to be unequal
500 is the average number of eggs a woman’s ovaries release during her lifetime. These are 500 opportunities to have children and therefore to be unequal. The immersive physical and digital installation is an exploration of paradoxes women are faced with when seeking for gender equality and presented as part of Women Artists’ Art Week (WAAW).
In recent decades Western Cultures have achieved a significant gender convergence but a substantial inequality persists. The biggest factor in the gender gap is the fertility penalty. With corporations offering to freeze eggs as part of the pay package, 500 delves into the complexities of a set up where one sex is responsible for reproducing our species for all. What a decision not to have children or delay by freezing eggs means, what does it mean to undergo IVF or to get pregnant, to medicate yourself, to lose independent identity and be ready to be “two”, to feel ambivalent about life’s choices, to go through matrescence. Is it a woman’s problem, or is it environmental – a set up where women can never win. This evening is for everyone who is interested in data and facts and challenges in building a fairer and more equal society.
Join us at 5:30pm to see the exhibition, followed by drinks and conversation.