Louis Graydon Sullivan (June 16, 1951 – March 2, 1991) was an American writer and activist known for advocating for trans men. He was the first transgender man to openly identify as gay to be documented in the US and played a key role in shaping the current understanding that sexual orientation and gender identity are separate concepts.
Sullivan was a trailblazer in the grassroots movement for female-to-male (FTM) transgender people. He helped many by providing peer support, counselling, hormone therapy, and surgery outside of traditional gender dysphoria clinics. He founded FTM International, one of the earliest organizations for female-to-male individuals, and his efforts greatly contributed to the growth of the FTM community in the late 1980s. Lou’s memoir and diary entries can be found in his book ‘We both laughed in pleasure’ which I have named the show after as a homage to him and the work he has done for the FTM community.